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6 Tested Facebook marketing strategies for marketers in 2018
20 April 2023

6 Tested Facebook marketing strategies for marketers in 2018


In this era of digital marketing, social media has emerged as a long-lasting trend. Many businesses are leveraging the power of social media in their marketing arsenal.

Being one of the largest social media networks, Facebook has emerged as a powerful marketing platform for businesses and its latest features makes it more appealing to marketers.

Amongst all it is still one of the best drivers for earning higher conversion and sales rates. To stand apart from the competition you need to include unique strategies that can help you derive desired results from it.

There is a complete ocean of potential customers on Facebook. But with a larger pool, it is also difficult to attract right and reserve your spot. Facebook marketing involves lots of challenges within it but there are also many opportunities with it.

Following are the top Facebook marketing strategies that will help you stay ahead of your competitors.


  1. Choose & schedule your Facebook content

Each social media network has its own style of content, but Facebook provides something more, which help you to lead the race. With Facebook live, stories, video and image post your brand gets numerous opportunities. And it doesn’t end there, you can schedule your post through social media calendars.

Type of content

  • Status

With new features, you can use larger texts for short messages and put your content on colored backgrounds which allows you to get your messages in a vibrant and catchy manner.

  • Images

Make use of virtual reality features or 360-degree content to awe your customers and make your brand more interesting.

  • Videos

On Facebook, people usually watch videos without sound and therefore video should be accessible, easy to digest and always have captions. Create videos that catch a user’s attention and provides something worthwhile.

  • Links

With new features you can promote your content on Facebook. Find your most engaged content and continue to share it on Facebook.

  • Facebook Live

Live content drives three time more engagement when it comes to Facebook.

  • Facebook Stories

Build from the idea of Snapchat stories, it is a very useful way to promote your brand.


  1. Leverage your existing customer base

Use of social media icons is one of the first things you should start with. Encourage the existing traffic on your website to share and like your content via their personal accounts. This way, the friends of your existing customers become your potential customers.

If you are using e-mail as a means of communication, add your Facebook page URL to your email signature. Let people know that you can be reached via social media channels as well. People will feel more connected with your brand if it is easy to reach you.


  1. Audience segmentation

Instead of promoting your ad to random Facebook users, you should go for the ones who are interested in the type of products or services offered by you. You can segment audience by age, gender, demographics and geographic location, etc. this will make targeting much easier for you.


  1. Use conversion tracking to see results of ads

Like any other marketing tool, Facebook advertising is measured by the ROI earned. That’s why you need results from every single ad running. Usually Facebook doesn’t track the conversions, but you can use the service of tracking software to measure the results driven.


In short, implemented correctly, Facebook marketing can add a whole new dimension to your brand. 


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